So my summer camp students say, "We want to have a talent show."
So I say, "Sure."
And it went superbly well because I stepped back and let them run it. Oh, yeah, I kept a finger on certain things - I vetoed their attempt to make it a competition with winners and losers, I figured out and operated the lights and audio system in the little auditorium - but mostly I just let them have their show.
When you say "sure" to kids, they have the opportunity to impress you.
One girl scheduled all the acts, went home and typed up an order of events, and then served as MC.
Another girl bought big award stickers and presented them to all participants afterward.
And the kindergarten class came to watch and laugh and cheer.
Then, at the end, someone said, "Let's have a dance party."
I said, "Sure."
And it was fabulously fun.